2020 Character In Life Scholarship Recipients

In 2020, scholarships were awarded to 2 students that intend to pursue a career in Education, had a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, provided a letter of recommendation, and wrote a personal essay about how their life has demonstrated one or more of the following core values: Sacrifice, Integrity, Commitment, Courage, Patriotism, and/or Citizenship.


1. 2020 Puyallup HS


Our 2020 Character In Life Scholarship recipient from Puyallup HS is Lauren Ormiston. Lauren plans on attending California Lutheran University.

Congratulations Lauren!


2. 2020 Emerald Ridge HS


Our 2020 Character In Life Scholarship was awarded to Nicole Brandmire. Nicole will be attending Concordia University in Nebraska.

Good luck in your pursuit of becoming a teacher and we wish you nothing but the best!


Future scholarships and awards


The Character In Life Foundation is actively working to fund these scholarships for the Class of 2021 and beyond. We are also looking to expand our reach. If you or someone you know is interested in making a donation, we can be reached at:
